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Hello! I am Louma El-Khoury, Seattle-based illustrator and artist. I have been drawing fashion ever since I was a little girl. I studied fashion design in Montreal, Canada, and later specialized in fashion illustration. I have over 20 years of professional fashion illustration experience.


When I was younger, my illustrations were inspired by the dreamy fashion world I saw in magazines and on TV.

Now, as a more experienced woman and artist, I love to focus on drawing women to convey their admirable qualities such as confidence and resilience, while still highlighting self-expression through fashion and personal style.


After these crazy, unexpected couple of years, I am finally diving into large-scale illustration, a dream I've had for many years. I am expanding my portfolio and I am available for fashion and women digital illustrations in large scale. Please contact me if you would like to work with me.


Thank you for reaching out!


“Beauty begins the moment you
decide to be yourself.”-Coco Chanel

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